A Beautiful Planet in IMAX 3D
July 04, 2016
Astronauts onboard the International Space Station have recorded a new IMAX 3D film, “A Beautiful Planet.” Just as the name says, it shows the great beauty of the planet we all live on – Earth.
国際宇宙ステーションに搭乗している宇宙飛行士たちが、新しいIMAX 3D 映画「A Beautiful Planet.」を撮影しました。名前が示す通り、映画は惑星、我々が住む地球の偉大な美を映しています。
"One of the most important things of all is being able to see from day to day what we here on the ground can’t see so clearly; what is happening to our Earth and how we are changing it." (Sound from “A Beautiful Planet” courtesy of IMAX Entertainment.)
Director Toni Meyers trained the astronauts how to use the IMAX 3D cameras. She spoke to VOA. Meyers said, “They are wonderful to train because, of course they are the smartest people in the world. That’s why they’re astronauts. They are really good learners.”
トニーメイヤー監督は、IMAX 3Dカメラの使い方を宇宙飛行士たちに訓練しました。彼女はVOAに語りました。彼らは訓練において素晴らしく、なぜなら、もちろん、彼らは世界の中で最も頭の良い人たちなのですから。だから、かれらは宇宙飛行士なの(になれた)です。彼らは本当に優秀な生徒でした。」とメイヤーさんは言います。
Director Meyers also reported what she learned while working on the film. She said Earth is gentle and easy to damage.
In her words, “The thin line of the atmosphere that’s just above the earth is all there is between us and the cold, black, and harsh vacuum of space. And even though we’ve discovered other planets around the stars, they are too far away for our present technology to take us there. So, this planet is all we have and we need to take care of it.”
The film shows the effects of fossil fuel gas releases and other pollution, especially in industrialized nations. But there is good news. The film also shows a healthy Chesapeake Bay in North America. It was once extremely polluted. But an activist campaign came to the rescue. Toni Meyers says this proves the environment can get healthy when people work together and take action.
日付 6月 04, 2016
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